Did We Contact You?

That’s because we beleive we’ve found money that belongs to you or a relative.

Rest assured, this isn’t one of “those” things, and if you give us the opportunity, we’ll prove that the money we’ve found is yours.

Billions of dollars in unclaimed funds are sitting in government bank accounts. If you’re owed money and don’t claim it, the government will just keep it.

We audit government agencies throughout the country, digging through their public records looking for lost, missing, and unclaimed money belonging to private citizens. 

So if you’ve received a letter or a call from us, it’s because we’ve located funds we believe belong to you.

Let us show you what our research has uncovered.

We’ve been trained and certified as Tax Payer Refund Recovery Specialists by the top attorney in this field — an accomplishment that’s held by less than 100 people nationwide!

Usually, these funds are held for only a short period of time. After that, the agency responsible for the funds may be allowed to seize them through a process called “escheatment”.

We think private citizens losing their funds to faceless government agencies, a system rooted in feudal 16th century England, is unfair and we are determined to prevent this from happening to anyone, especially you.

We want to get lost money back into your hands where it should be!

Let’s get to work on your claim!

How it Works:

We confirm that the money is yours:

We audit many government agencies across the country to locate sums of money owed to private citizens like you. If the money goes unclaimed for too long, it’s usually lost to the government agency holding them.

We work to go get it:

Once we’ve located the money, we use all of our resources to locate the rightful owner(s). We get to work with our attorneys, researchers, and notaries to work with the agency holding your unclaimed money. 

Paperwork and payment:

Once you’ve spoken to us, and have verbally agreed to let us work on your claim, we’ll set up a time for you to sign some paperwork that allows us to get started.

Once the claim process has started, your dedicated recovery specialist will handle everything along the way, keeping you informed until you receive the check in your hand!

Our office works on a contingent basis — that means there are no out-of-pocket expenses to you. We’re paid ONLY upon successful collection of your claim. We cover ALL expenses related to the claim until it is paid, and if the claim is unsuccessful you owe us nothing.

Small Business, Big Heart

Your success is our success!

We’re a small group of expert government records auditors located in Pennsylvania dedicated to serving private citizens like you. 

We know the in’s and outs of government agencies in all states. If a government agency is holding your money, we know how to go get it. Since there’s only a small window of time to claim your money, you want us on your side!

Our mission:

We want to help you claim your money before the funds “escheat” to the agency holding them. It’s your money, and the government shouldn’t be allowed to take it from you. Our goal is to make sure that this never happens. We audit government files and documents for these unclaimed funds, and when we find them, we make it our personal mission to reunite them with their rightful owner(s).

Our Vision:

We’d love to see you reclaim the money we’ve found for you! What would you do with a nice, unexpected payday? In this economy, everyone’s got a use for extra money. Let’s make sure the government doesn’t end up with it!

See What Our Clients Have to Say…

Bob – 10/22/2019

“I admit I was skeptical when I received the letter in the mail saying there was a bunch of money owed to me. That never happens! I reluctantly agreed and boy am I so glad I did!”

David – 7/23/2020

“They were quick and professional and very friendly to work with. I got the call saying there was over 40k available and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you!”

Todd & Maggie – 4/17/2021

“I had no idea that there was money out there owed to me. When I got the call I asked them if I could check them out. 3 weeks later a check in the mail.